Are DeWalt 20v and 20v Max batteries interchangeable?

08 Apr.,2024


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A recent post about Los Gatos and a post a while back about Mac and Dewalt batteries being interchangeable got me wondering, how many new 3rd party battery / tools are now available? Maybe readers could add to this list. Even if not sold in the U.S.A. I am curious if anyone has found any cross compatibility with any of the major tool brands.

Dewalt and Mac interchangeable.

I use a Milwaukee heated jacket with my Dewalt 12v and 20v batteries (yep interchangeable both ways), also can be used hardwired to a 12v cigarette/power port for people driving motorcycles or snow cats, etc.

Los Gatos corded battery adapter.

Bostitch box stapler uses Dewalt 12v.
Bostitch Industrial

Carton Closing Tools

Bostitch Industrial builds quality fastening products for a variety of industries including packaging, flooring, roofing, siding, and much more.

There are now 3rd party LiOn batteries (although I would never use one)

Then there is this lighting tool system that can use Dewalt, Makita and soon Milwaukee batteries.

I have seen a Snap- On glue gun with a Dewalt battery but I’m not sure if that was a home mod, but if memory serves it was a small company selling a cross platform adapter.

Dewalt has also has a 18v battery adapter to use with the 20v batteries. (Posted on Toolguyd first).

Posts away, it should be noted some of these will immediately void any warranties the second they are plugged in or used.

Are DeWalt 20v and 20v Max batteries interchangeable?

Battery cross compatibility