The company is the world’s best drone propeller efficiency supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.
I'm designing a quadcopter weighing around 250 grams, while maintaining a thrust-to-weight ratio of 2:1
Optimize: Maximize the thrust-per-watt for the motor+propeller pair
Everything else (frame size, drone shape, battery, motor, propeller, number of blades in propeller) is flexible and can be changed as needed.
In order to maximize the flight time, I will require a motor + propeller combination that is efficient in terms of thrust/power.
For more drone that can carryinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.
How does one go about optimizing the motor+propeller design?
Current Approach:
Look at datasheets provided by manufacturers and check if the given motor matches my constraints.
For example, the EMAX MT2204 motor weighs 25 grams and provides a thrust of 240 g using 51.2 W power using a 6x3 propeller. That puts its thrust/power at 4.7 g/W
Is there a way to mathematically model or simulate the design of motor+propeller in order to maximize the efficiency?
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit how heavy can a drone carry.